 Mixed vegetable farm help 2024
Type: Skilled Farm Help & Apprentice Intern
Farm: Foragers Farms

Location: near Cobourg ON
Housing: on-farm accommodation is available, see below

Our farm is a 3 acre mixed vegetable market garden on 40 acres of open hay/ pasture fields. Located in the rolling hills of Northumberland County, 10 minutes north of Port Hope and Cobourg and 1:15 East of Toronto. Over 50 acres of neighbouring forest allows for direct access to trails, rivers (cold water dips), a beaver pond and beautiful mixed conifer/ deciduous forest for leisure and recreation. We are uncertificed organic but certified naturally grown.

We grow a diversity of vegetables, sprouts, flowers, fruit and herbs organically on our small scale farm using a variety of market gardening techniques, ideal for anyone who is interested in starting their own farm in the future or becoming knowledgable about how to grow successionally for consistency, quality and variety. Animals on the farm include 100 laying hens as well as a diversity of wild life and soil life. Last year we worked with ALUS for planting 2300 trees native to Canada such as Spruce, White Pine, Maple and Oak. This will help our farm become more resilient by offering microclimates, shielding from harsh winds, habitat for other native plants/animal species, increasing bio diversity and trees help by preventing snow drifts allowing for more spring melt water capture. We truly are creating an oasis amongst the Northumberland Rolling Hills.

With many plans and an optimistic outlook on the future we present to you a new opportunity to join our team and community. In this moment we are offering 2 positions for our 2024 production. Both positions require dedicated and passionate individuals who:

  • Are motivated to and curious about regenerative and diversified farming
  • Strong work ethic requiring grit and determination
  • Good communication skills and a desire to become apart of a community
  • Openness to learning and continuously improving farming practices and methods
  • Committed to a personal practice that embodies health by way of nutrition, fitness and personal growth
  • Is able to work outside in any weather condition
  • Able to lift 40 lb bins, squat, walk and do repetitive tasks diligently
  • Is alert/ aware of their surroundings, knows the priorities of the day and is a trusted retainer of information focusing on details and patterns after a few weeks of training.
  • Experience working on a farm or at farmers markets is a plus

Over the span of the season we attend 3 farmers markets and have a CSA membership providing 80+ boxes of in-season vegetables. The variety of jobs on the farm changes with a seasonal focus on:

  • Early Spring — plant propagation, garden bed preparation and planting
  • Late Spring — weeding, trellising, harvesting and irrigation, washing and packing
  • Summer — harvesting, curing, canning, successional planting
  • Fall — cover cropping, winter storage crops, building, landscaping, cleanup, recap

Other responsibilities include:

  • Assist in the planning, planting, cultivation and harvesting of a diverse range of vegetables using regenerative and diversified farming practices
  • Learn to operate and maintain farm equipment
  • Available April to November and able to work some weekends during peak season
  • Participate in all aspects of farm maintenance and management
  • Contribute to the overall success of the farm through hard work, determination and teamwork
  • Moving chickens, feeding, collecting/ cleaning eggs, cleaning and maintaining the coop
  • Attending (bi)weekly meetings
  • Going to farmers markets and setting up on farm market

The 2023 season was overall a success and without our amazing team it wouldn’t have been possible. We enjoyed many communal meals together, sat around the fire and played music, hosted a variety of events and workshops and worked our asses off in hopes of a well feed community and time to hibernate in the winter.

We have 3 positions available for this 2024 season but only hiring for 2.

Position 1: Full Season Veggie Farmer

  • Late April to Early November
  • Monday to Friday
  • 35-45 hours/ week
  • $16-$20/ hr depending on experience

Position 2: Part Season Veggie Farmer

  • Early June to Mid/Late October
  • Tuesday to Saturday
  • 35-45 hours/ week
  • $16-$20/ hr depending on experience

Position 3: Intern/apprentice

  • 3-6 month stay
  • Monday to Friday
  • 35-40 hours/ week

Intern Description:

This position is open for people who have little to no experience and are looking for a broader scope of training and guidance. Our farm has hosted interns since we started 6 years ago and we strongly believe that if you€™re someone interested in beginning their career as an organic market gardner at a high paced profitable farm, be it your own future farm or as a valued and productive team member of a farm in your community, this opportunity is key in developing your skills for a successful future. Working with our team of experienced farmers you will be joining us every step of the way, attending meetings, planning future projects, reviewing our standard operating procedures and planting plan, tending to livestock, doing accounting and payroll, marketing, set up and take down for farm markets, tours and events, buying a farm property and all things farm business related. You will be compensated with room+board+$200/wk stipend+training and mentorship+space for an experimental garden+ a CSA share/ community farm access and support the following year. Many more connections and opportunities can arise from this experience including access to farmland for your own agricultural enterprise. If this is something that interests you contact us through email below for more information.

*Inquire about affordable on farm accommodations if needed! We have a fully on grid trailer with a living room, kitchen, shower and toilet! It comes with two bedrooms and depending on those hired could be shared amongst two people.


If you’re feeling called to become part of our team we are exited to have you! But there are only 3 positions and usually more than 3 applicants. Please connect with us by sending your resume and references to [email protected] for us to review and consider you for the job!Please indicate you saw this posting at GoodWork. Good Luck!

Life after Interning:

If intern expresses interest in coming back for year 2 we absolutely consider a second year intern with a pay raise based on demostrated ability. Future on farm projects by said intern are also possible if they see a gap in our offerings and want to start a business that is in line with our ethos. In the first year of being an intern you will be working alongside 1 full time employee, 2 part time employee, owner/farmer Tyler and farmers market staff.

Intern Testimonails:

All of our interns are like family. We had plans of doing biannual intern gatherings but COVID. Thankful to years of amazing interns and knowing we can call on them in times of need and vice versa.

“I learned so much about successful small scale farming during my season at Foragers Farm. Their passion, skill, work ethic, and love of nature were beautiful and inspiring to be around!”- JP owner of Fields Farmstead, 2019 intern.

“Working at Foragers Farms felt like spending the summer as part of the family. It was an amazing opportunity to work outside and learn about regenerative farming from knowledgeable and skilled farmers. Take a chance at picking Tyler’s brain and prepare to be mind blown!”- Marissa, first year intern 2021 (first year introducting the Canada’s Summer Job grant, was paid $15/hr during grant period), second year field manager 2022, owner of Marissas Herb Garden in partnership with Foragers Farms and Headwaters Farm.

“I learn’t so much at foragers farms; preparing beds, starting seeds, planting, and so much more. But to this day, what really continues to stand out as invaluable, centers more around integrety, the value of staying true to your word, living in alignment with your values and how willingly engaging and committing to this kind of good, rewarding, hard work can weave you deeper into relationship with the land, other like minded people and yourself.” – Sebastian teacher at PINE, 2017 intern and foraging teacher for workshops on the property.

“I came to Erin and Tyler at Foragers farms suffering from a trauma that only hands in the dirt could help heal. With the support and guidance of such great farm leaders, I left with a new skill. Many thanks to them both, wouldn’t be the person I am today without them 🙂 ” -Glen farm manager in B.C, intern 2018

I gained copious knowledge + experience required for a market gardener; entrepreneurial skills and farming skills alike. I also learnt so much about foraging. Prepare to be welcomed into a passionate and supportive community as I was.” – Jacques student at McGill University for Agriculture and Environmental Sciene, intern 2021 (first year introducting the Canada’s Summer Job grant, was paid $15/hr during grant period)

“Erin and Tyler are wonderful teachers who value giving their interns a rich experience. Highlights from my 2021 internship included several foraging walks where we covered the history, ethics and techniques of foraging and processing a variety of wild plants; learning about sprout production and edible flowers from Erin; learning about DIY farm equipment from the skilled tradesman Tyler who also took time to help me with various building projects of my own. They were keen on teaching me more about whatever I expressed an interest in and I gained many skills during my stay. The farm landscape is absolutely stunning and such a cozy and beautiful place to live. We shared many delicious meals, campfires, musical jams and laughs. I really value my season alongside these wicked farmers and will continue to learn from them for years to come!” – Kat, 2021 intern.

“I love these folks from the depths of my heart and am beyond grateful for the life-giving-nourishing-learning and hella-fun time I spent interning here in 2019. I am amazed at all the growing that happens, the veggies and us and always floored these days when I visit the farm and see how everything has grown ever-more-fruitful and vibrant. I felt (and still feel) really appreciated, valued and truly seen for my own unique being and gifts I brought to the team.” -Sammy Tangir intern 2019, currently works for two wonderful land based business’.